The translation process is complex. We will help you understand it, by summarising some of the steps we take.
We recognize that performing to the highest standards requires transcending beyond the mere linguistic element of translation services. Therefore we continuously ensure that we add value to the translation process by ensuring that:
• Our customized, repeatable processes are designed ensure quality and consistency within and across documents, and reduce cost and turnaround time. Our workflow is custom-made for the Client’s needs. • Our language specialists leverage their expertise in technical subject matter with their native language skills.
• We maximize leverage by developing and maintaining customized Translation Memory (TM) for each client, categorized with attributes (e.g. for division, product, project, etc.). • We are always looking for creative ways to reduce localization costs to our clients without sacrificing quality and consistency. For example by developing a translation memory (TM) from legacy documents, we can fully reuse already translated content, at the same time decreasing cost. • We implement various in-house quality control and desktop publishing processes to ensure that the final translated document mirrors the original formatting of the source document. We support a large variety of formats, including Microsoft Office, Adobe FrameMaker, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, QuarkXPress, as well as HTML, XML, and others, on PC and Mac platforms. • We work closely with our clients to ensure their satisfaction with the quality and accuracy of the translations. We can manage for our Client entity or third party reviews, as needed.
The Project Manager is the single-point of contact for the client. He/she leads the project team and is responsible for: • Resource Planning: Selects the type and quantity of resources (personnel, software and hardware) in type and quantity required for the project. • Project scheduling: Schedules all linguistic and production activities and ensures that all project milestones are met. Identifies possible conflicts and generates contingency plans. • Training: Ensures that all resources, linguists and production support staff, assigned to the project have the knowledge and training required to accomplish the activities assigned to them.
• Client interface and reporting – Provides weekly or monthly status reports, as requested by Client. • Change Management: Evaluates the impact of client-requested changes to schedules and generates contingency plans to avoid or minimize impacts to overall schedule. • Verification of deliverables: Ensures the accurate, timely and virus-free hand-off of all deliverables • Client-satisfaction reports: Conducts post-project reviews to receive client feedback and identify potential areas for improvement. • Project archiving: Ensures that all project materials are safely backed up and archived.
In conclusion, itlocal never forgets that the translation process is a creative process instead of a mechanical one, and we always rely on rules as well as on ingenuity to make a success out of it.