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Why choose Romania to outsource your translation and localization projects

Updated: Jan 23

We don’t usually talk about ourselves but we believe that we deserve a cheeky brag from time to time. This is not about our employees, nor about our services, but rather about Romanian linguists in general. So, you’re wondering what makes us so special besides the quality, fast turnarounds and low pricing? You could argue that we are rather biased when it comes to our country but hear us out. It is well known that Romania is a goldmine when it comes to IT companies, but what about the translation industry? There is great potential surrounding the Romanian market, and there are two main reasons for that: the intrinsic structure of the Romanian language and the geographical positioning of the country. Historical heritage plays an important role when it comes to Romanian linguists’ adaptability within the industry. Romanian is a Latin (Romance) language, closely linked to other main languages of trade such as French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. The Latin language family allows for highly skilled individuals to acquire native-like skills in other languages than their mother tongue. In this case, the highly phonetic aspect of Romanian is what makes learning new Latin languages easier for us.

But it’s not only the original Latin language that played a part in the development of the Romanian language. Slavic, Balkan, German, Greek, Hungarian and Turkish influences are also of great importance. This mixture of foreign elements allows Romanians to quickly adapt to other languages as pronunciation doesn’t seem to pose a challenge. Foreigners are generally surprised of how well Romanians speak their language because they can easily blend in with the local population. When it comes to written text, it’s even easier.


has a complicated grammar, which offers its speakers a unique ability to easily grasp and master other Latin languages. Furthermore, the geographical location and the local foreign ethnicities created a context for Romanians to become proficient in many other languages such as Hungarian, Serbian, Turkish, Bulgarian and Russian. It is well known that Romania has a significant Hungarian ethnicity population (around 6% of the total citizenry), so it is not uncommon to find bilingual linguists who are equally proficient in both languages. Also, the significant number of immigrants from the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Russia, means that there is an important group of native Russian speakers available on the Romanian translation market. Moreover, Romanian universities offer great learning opportunities and excellent quality when it comes to foreign languages, so we have many graduates that are proficient in several languages.


Something else to consider when choosing your translation vendor: Romanian translation companies offer very competitive prices. Our financial levels and the cost of living are yet to reach the average of the European Union, although the economy is heading into that direction. This means low translation rates, but at the same or even higher quality than you can find in other EU countries. This financial advantage is backed up by very fast local internet connections, the willingness of our linguists to get to grips with new translation technologies, and the adaptability of our language services providers. All the above make Romania one of the best option when it comes to outsourcing your translations and seeking new industry partnerships.

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